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2014-12-27 20:34:39 Łukasz Majksner (irpgomoku)
irpinvincible - irptestif
# 55
We postpone our match onto Monday 29.12.2014 20:00 CET.
2014-12-26 18:33:46 Alexander Miroshnichenko (irpfudjin)
# 54
ye.i confirm ;)
2014-12-26 18:32:13 Vladimir Nipoti (irpb)
# 53
irpb-irpdecumen will be played at 18:35, 45 min earlier.
2014-12-21 22:10:36 Jan Purkrabek (irppurkys)
RE: irpgacul-irpg3m
# 52
I´m so sorry but I can´t play so late today :(
2014-12-21 21:58:35 Jarosław L (irpvince)
RE: irpgacul-irpg3m
# 51
Sorry, I could not have it read earlier - I think the last chance is to play tonight. I will be at home at 22:30.
2014-12-20 18:17:03 Jan Purkrabek (irppurkys)
RE: irpgacul-irpg3m
# 50
Hi, it´s no good...I can´t play this evening. Maybe tomorrow...u can´t play before 22? I can´t play at 10 :(
2014-12-20 12:40:06 Jarosław L (irpvince)
irpvince - irppurkys
# 49
Hello Purkys,

I can play late in the evening today (let's say 22:00) or tommorow morning (10:00). Please let me know if you will be available.

2014-12-17 14:31:24 Igor Eged (irpg3m)
RE: irpgacul-irpg3m
# 48
2-2 result is been allowed in the site code for irp from now.
2014-12-16 16:53:40 Igor Eged (irpg3m)
RE: irpgacul-irpg3m
# 47
Thanks gacul for fair play and his offer to set the match to 2-2.
There is some problem entering the result as draw, may be the page needs to be fixed, there is possibly some check in the program that forces 6 games in case of draw after 4.
2014-12-13 13:12:55 Igor Eged (irpg3m)
# 46
irpgacul couldn't come, we agreed to play the same time tomorrow, 14.12, 13:00
2014-08-25 17:12:05 Bogdan Brachaczek (irpbbj)
Bbj - Jas
# 35
Gramy z Jasiem dziś o 20:00.


2014-08-12 08:39:08 Marek Gorzecki (irpalicecooper)
ostatnia runda
# 34
z powodu wyjazdu zastrzegam że ostatnią rundę jestem zmuszony zagrać w admin date,
nie będę mógł zapewne odpowiedzieć na żadne propozycje o czym z góry uprzedzam
2014-07-31 00:07:41 Marcin Wojtasiński (irpjas)
RE: Jas - Usiek
# 33
dokladnie tak, usiek potwierdzam to mordeczko zwariowana! :)
2014-07-31 00:03:58 Łukasz Majksner (irpgomoku)
RE: Jas - Usiek
# 32
Nastąpiła delikatna zmiana - mecz odbędzie się o 16:00.
2014-07-30 19:58:32 Marcin Wojtasiński (irpjas)
RE: Jas - Usiek
# 31
2014-07-30 19:58:01 Łukasz Majksner (irpgomoku)
Jas - Usiek
# 30
Gramy jutro o 15:00.
2014-06-15 19:19:04 Piotr Małowiejski (irpangst)
RE: Jas - Angst
# 29
Ostatecznie zaczynamy za kilka chwil.


2014-06-15 13:54:54 Piotr Małowiejski (irpangst)
Jas - Angst
# 28
Gramy z Jasiem dziś o 19:45.


2014-06-09 11:59:53 Michał Zajk (irppuholek)
RE: Zukole - Puholek
# 27
2014-06-09 08:11:03 Michał Żukowski (zukole)
Zukole - Puholek
# 26
Zagramy jutro o 20.

2014-03-18 18:20:34 Bogdan Brachaczek (irpbbj)
RE: Zukole - Bbj
# 19
2014-03-18 18:19:09 Michał Żukowski (zukole)
Zukole - Bbj
# 18
Uzgodniliśmy, że zagramy w ten czwartek (20.03) o 21.

Displayed message count: 22