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2022-04-02 19:21:18 Tatyana Volkova (irpdalida)
irp3ifndef vs irpdalida
# 559
My opponent hasn't come. I have been waiting for 20 min
2022-03-16 08:51:58 Jakub Horák (irp3ifndef)
RE: irp3ifndef vs irpzoli
# 555
I confirm.
2022-03-16 08:27:06 Zoltán László (irpzoli)
irp3ifndef vs irpzoli
# 554
We will play our match on 18th March 20:00
2022-03-12 14:01:15 Csaba Kamarás (irpcsaba)
RE: irpboneslash vs irpcsaba
# 553
I confirm it.
2022-03-12 13:32:14 Lukáš Souček (irpboneslash)
irpboneslash vs irpcsaba
# 552
Match between irpboneslash and irpcsaba will be played today 12.3.2022 at 7 PM in dobrocin!
2022-03-06 09:28:12 Piotr Małowiejski (irpangst)
Important information
# 550
Drodzy Gracze, poniżej możecie znaleźć Oświadczenie Zarządu Polskiego Stowarzyszenia Gomoku, Renju i Pente (PSGRiP):

‘PSGRiP stanowczo potępia inwazję rosyjską na Ukrainie.

Jesteśmy myślami z naszymi kolegami, ukraińskimi graczami, a także całym narodem ukraińskim.

Uważamy, że w zawodach pod auspicjami PSGRiP nie powinni brać udziału gracze popierający agresję Rosji na Ukrainę.’

Nawiązując do powyższego Oświadczenia, chciałbym dla uniknięcia wątpliwości potwierdzić, iż rozgrywki IRP należą do rozgrywanych pod auspicjami PSGRiP. Rywalizacja sportowa powinna być daleka od polityki, ale niestety nie zawsze polityka o tym wie i to respektuje. Apeluję do wszystkich, aby w trakcie gier unikać jakichkolwiek komentarzy o charakterze politycznym, w szczególności dotyczących poparcia ww. inwazję, jako że tego typu zweryfikowane zachowania nie będą tolerowane i zastosowanie znajdzie punkt 9 Regulaminu IRP.

Życzę wszystkim udanych gier w atmosferze fair-play!



Dear Players, below you can find the Statement of the Board of the Polish Gomoku, Renju and Pente Association (PSGRiP):

‘PSGRiP strongly condemns the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

We are in thoughts with our colleagues, the Ukrainian players and also with the entire Ukrainian people.

We believe that players supporting Russia's aggression towards Ukraine should not take part in the competition under the auspices of PSGRiP.’

Referring to the above Statement, for the avoidance of doubt, I would like to confirm that the IRP competition is played under the auspices of PSGRiP. Sports rivalry should be far from politics, but unfortunately not always politics knows about it and respects it. I urge everyone to avoid any comments of political nature during the games, in particular regarding support for the above-mentioned invasion, as this type of verified behavior will not be tolerated and point 9 of the IRP Rules will be applied.

I wish you all successful games in a fair-play atmosphere!

2021-07-20 17:41:47 Oleg Bulatowsky (irpgelo)
irpcrosslet - irpgelo
# 549
I think we both forgot about out match, but I writing here :)
2021-07-02 17:20 Csaba Kamarás (irpcsaba)
irpcsaba - irppurkys
# 545
My opponent (irppurkys) didn't come. I waited for 20 minutes.
2021-07-01 17:16:09 Manó Gyenei (irptorpe)
irptorpe - irpszept
# 544
My opponent (irpszept) didn't come. I waited for 15 minutes.
2021-06-30 12:05:55 Matěj Holub (irppiggi)
piggi - kiki
# 543
We agreed to play today at 12:10
2021-06-18 19:40:02 Zoltán László (irpzoli)
Andy v Zoli
# 539
We agreed to play today at 20:00.
2021-06-16 18:21:47 Csaba Kamarás (irpcsaba)
irpcsaba - irprostas
# 538
My opponent (irprostas) didn't come. I waited for 20 minutes.
2021-06-11 20:16:33 Yuriy Kraubner (irpyurius)
irpyurius - irptiberiusim
# 537
My opponent (irptiberiusim) didn't come. I waited for 15 minutes.
2021-06-05 11:28:49 Matěj Holub (irppiggi)
Piggi - Tiberiusimp
# 536
Update - we'll play today at 11:30
2021-06-05 09:46:56 Matěj Holub (irppiggi)
Piggi - Tiberiusimp
# 535
My opponent cannot come today, so we tried to find a new date. The only one we could find is tuesday 8.6. at 15:00 (after the round ends). I already messaged the organizer - so I'm just typing here to make it a bit "official" :)
2021-05-22 06:20:10 Beata Vajda (irpbeata1972)
irpbeata1972 vs. irpeva
# 532
We made a deal to play today (22. 5.) at 19:00 CEST.
2021-05-20 20:20:02 Yuriy Kraubner (irpyurius)
irpyurius - irpcrosslet
# 531
My opponent (irpcrosslet) didn't come. I waited for 20 minutes.
2021-05-11 16:28:43 Jan Purkrabek (irppurkys)
irppurkys vs. irpbeata1972
# 530
We made a deal to play today (11. 5.) at 19:00.
2021-05-02 19:02:24 Horcsin Tibor (irptiberiusim)
irpdalida vs irptiberiusim
# 527
We made a deal that we will play 15.05.2021 at 19:00 CEST.
2021-04-19 18:53:21 Lukáš Souček (irpboneslash)
irpboneslash vs irpmatei
# 515
Our deal is slightly changed, expected time of game is now 24.04.2021 17:00 CEST.
2021-04-16 19:52:27 Zoltán László (irpzoli)
RE: Jakub vs Zoli
# 513
2021-04-16 19:06:13 Lukáš Souček (irpboneslash)
irpboneslash : irpmatei
# 512
We made a deal that we will play 24.04.2021 at 18:00 CEST.
2021-04-15 21:45:47 Jakub Horák (irp3ifndef)
RE: Jakub vs Zoli
# 511
We will play tomorrow (16.4.) at 21:00.
2021-04-13 18:48:18 Jakub Horák (irp3ifndef)
RE: Jakub vs Zoli
# 510
The match was postponed. We will find a new date.
2021-04-12 15:39:39 Jakub Horák (irp3ifndef)
RE: Jakub vs Zoli
# 509
I confirm
2021-04-12 15:38:38 Zoltán László (irpzoli)
Jakub vs Zoli
# 508
We agreed to play tomorrow (13th April) at 21:00 CEST.
2021-04-11 11:09:57 Beata Vajda (irpbeata1972)
RE: irpeata1972-irpkwiatek257
# 507
We made a deal to play tomorrow (12.04) at 19:00
2021-04-10 18:11:08 Beata Vajda (irpbeata1972)
# 506
I was waiting for kwiatek 15 minutes, but he has not come.
2021-04-03 19:05:45 Jan Purkrabek (irppurkys)
purkys vs. Tiberius
# 505
We made a deal to play toady at 19:00.
2021-03-30 19:15:40 Jakub Horák (irp3ifndef)
irp3ifndef vs irpadif
# 504
Adif didnt come. I am willing to find a new date, you can message me on FB.
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