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2017-03-21 18:10:31 Dima Gorbachev (irppamp)
who is my opponent?
# 208
who is deafbat and how i can find him?
2016-07-21 00:07:54 Piotr Małowiejski (irpangst)
Season end
# 186
Dear Players!

Thank you very much for your participation in 17th edition of IRP.

Congrats to the winner - Peking and to other medalists - Gergo and Aliceooper (best Polish player)! :)

I hope you all will join in the next IRP season.

Kind regards,

2016-06-28 22:11:04 Piotr Małowiejski (irpangst)
RE: irp1dalida1-irpest
# 180
I'm not fully sure if this is ok, but pairing is prepared using dedicated program.

I can assume that this is possible due to the fact that your match wasn't played. There was one similar issue in previous rounds.

Summarising, the pairing remains the same as published.

I hope this time you will be able to play. Good luck!

Best regards,

2016-06-28 11:11:40 Yana Hanaeva (irpest)
# 179
I've got the same oppenent in round 8 and round 9 pairing, is that ok?
2016-05-28 13:23:50 Igor Eged (irpg3m)
irpg3m : irpdeafbat
# 173
I was waiting more than 20 minutes after the agreed match time, opponent didn't arrive, despite the fact he confirmed he can play on the match date before, also couldnt catch him on fb at the match time, we can try to find other option, may be last weekend.
2016-05-26 22:25:40 Piotr Małowiejski (irpangst)
Irpdejavu - Irpangst
# 172
Unfortunately, Dejavu was not present in the match time.

Stanislav, please contact me here, if you still wish to play. Hopefully, I will be able to find time for our match.

Best regards,

2016-05-14 15:35:39 Igor Eged (irpg3m)
RE: irpg3m : irpgacul
# 169
We agreed to play tomorrow on Sunday 15.5.2016, 15:00.
2016-05-14 15:23:40 Igor Eged (irpg3m)
irpg3m : irpgacul
# 168
Gacul didn't show up, contact me on facebook for further date possibilities, if interested to play, please.
2016-05-10 17:29:17 anatolij Смирнов (irpbarbos)
RE: irpbarbos-irprakdar
# 166
Согласен. Постараюсь не забыть.
2016-05-09 16:30:32 Dariusz Białkowski (irprakdar)
RE: irpbarbos-irprakdar
# 165
Ok, deadline - thursday 12.05 16.30
2016-05-08 17:42:32 anatolij Смирнов (irpbarbos)
# 164
К сожалению опоздал на 30 мин. Могу сыграть или принять поражение, как вы решите.
2016-04-24 02:32:32 Piotr Małowiejski (irpangst)
RE: Pairing delay
# 162
New pairing is created and you can play your games from tomorrow.

I'm sorry for this unitended break.

Kind regards,

2016-04-18 01:07:25 Piotr Małowiejski (irpangst)
Pairing delay
# 161
Due to technical problems pairing for the next round will be published with delay.

In case this delay will last several days, the next round will start next Monday.

Best regards,

2016-04-17 09:26:03 Radosław Wenio (irpirgen)
irpirgen - irppurkys
# 160
Purkys didn't show up and unfortunately we didn't find another date.
2016-04-11 12:49:51 Jan Kopecký (irpdeafbat)
irpdeafbat - irpcrosslet
# 158
We agreed to play on an alternate date - Tuesday 12.04. at 20:00 at dobrocin.
2016-03-27 21:35:43 Jan Kopecký (irpdeafbat)
deafbat - purkys
# 152
Purkys didn't show up and unfortunately we didn't find another date.
2016-03-20 20:10:05 Stanislav Samsonov (irpdejavu)
RE: irpsawyer:irpdejavu
# 151
the opponent did not show up for the match
2016-03-20 14:19:35 Stanislav Samsonov (irpdejavu)
# 150
game irpdejavu: irpsawyer will be held today at 19:30
2016-03-05 17:26:46 Jan Purkrabek (irppurkys)
irppurkys : irpdm
# 148
We are going to play today at 18:30. Dobrocin
2016-02-25 18:10:56 Piotr Małowiejski (irpangst)
RE: irp1dalida1 vs irpbogimp
# 144
Sure it is, if both of you agree and this is still during current round.

Best regards,

2016-02-25 12:29:48 Tatyana Volkova (irp1dalida)
irp1dalida1 vs irpbogimp
# 143
We'd like to change the date of our match and play on the 26 of February instead of 27th, at 19 00 (21 00 - Moscow time). Is it possible? It's more convenient for both players.
2016-02-17 01:35:01 Piotr Małowiejski (irpangst)
RE: i'm late to my game
# 138
I regret to inform you that result of your match has not been approved as your match was played in the next day after the end of the round.

In exceptional circumstances it could be accepted, but you informed me too late, moreover your match was played in the same time as pairing was created (I just would like to remind that particular round lasts 3 weeks, not until next pairing is published).

Kind regards,

2016-02-15 20:51:42 Alexey Lebedev (irpalleb)
RE: i'm late to my game
# 136
today of course)
2016-02-15 20:51:10 Alexey Lebedev (irpalleb)
RE: i'm late to my game
# 135
we played tomorrow at 20-00 cet, irpalleb-irppamp 1-3
2016-02-15 00:42:35 Dima Gorbachev (irppamp)
i'm late to my game
# 134
i'm sorry but i could not play this evening. can i play with irpalleb 15.02.2016 at 22-00 Moscow time?
2016-02-14 11:39:59 Jan Purkrabek (irppurkys)
match date - Purkys vs. Boneslash
# 132
We are going to play today at 13:00. Dobrocin
2016-01-25 17:32:48 Jan Kopecký (irpdeafbat)
RE: question
# 126
The match between me and gacul was played with result 4-0 for gacul, I misclicked while saving the result and before I could correct it it was approved.

Please change it if possible.
2016-01-25 13:28:54 Alexey Lebedev (irpalleb)
# 125
Why gacul-deafbat and obormot-irgen are +:-? seems that both matches were played
2016-01-17 20:15:14 Jan Kopecký (irpdeafbat)
irpgacul - irpdeafbat
# 122
I waited 15 minutes and gacul didn't show up. We can schedule a new date if you're interested, just leave me a message on this site.

2016-01-16 21:08:12 Denis Osipov (irpnirvana)
# 121
We agreed to play 01.18 at 19:00 CET.
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